TPA Theatre Company
TPA Theatre Company : Times & Dates
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TPA Theatre Company - JCDC
TPA Theatre Company : Firebird (TPA Vocal Group)
TPA Theatre Company : Vocal Group & Individual Vocal Coaching
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Firebird (TPA Vocal Group)

Firebird is for young people aged 12 and up who have a particular talent for singing.

It takes place at Morton Village Hall on Thursday evenings from 7.45pm to 9.30pm and costs £5.00 per session.

Firebird undertakes a number of performances and on occaision recordings throughout the year. Our focus is on preparing pieces for these together with improving the all-round technical ability of the group members through coaching in vocal technique, harmony singing, performance skills and stagecraft.

Membership of the group is by invitation but anyone interested in Firebird can ask Greg about it at a TPA Session or get in touch via the details on our contact page.

Firebird Performance Dates 2024

Thur 2nd May   'Into The Spotlight' (Firebird & Soloists)

                        7.30pm @The Blue's Club, Gainsb. DN21 2HU

                        Tickets £5 on the door (Cash only)

                        Free entry for current TPA Members

Sun 12 May      'Wonders Of Our Universe'

                        2pm & 6pm @The Terry O'Toole Theatre, Lincoln

Sun 26 May      'Laybos Fest' With JCDC

                        3pm @Marshalls Sports Ground, Gainsborough

Thurs 13 June  'Wonders Of Our Universe' (Travel to be arranged)

                        7pm @The Embassy Theatre, Skegness PE25 2UG

Sun 7th July     'Midsummer Dreams' With JCDC

                        6pm (Arrive 3.30pm) Welton Village Hall LN2 3LU

Sun 15th Sept  'The Page Turns #3' (Now Confirmed)

                        6.30pm @The Blues Club

[Sat 26 Oct       'Wonders Of Our Universe'

                        2pm @The Plowright Theatre, Scunthorpe]

Thurs 28 Nov    'Morton Hall 60th Anniversary 1964 Event'

                        7.30pm @Morton Hall

Sun 8th Dec     'TPA Showcase'

                        2pm & 6pm @The Plowright Theatre, Scunthorpe

Sun 22 Dec      'It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas'

                        3pm @The Terry O'Toole Theatre, Lincoln

Firebird Changed Rehearsal Dates

On these dates rehearsals will take place on Fridays rather than the regular Thursday night sessions.


Fri 6th Sept      7.30 to 9.30pm @ Handel House